before the summit
What you need to know before you travel to Spokane
Summit Virtual Binders
To guide your experience at the Summit and beyond, envision created virtual binders where your Team can organize ideas, share resources, and plan next steps to support CHW workforce sustainability in your communities.
Inside, you’ll find an overview of the Summit’s key objectives and tools to take home with you – including training materials, how-to videos and examples, as well as templates for future team collaboration.
To access your Team’s virtual binder click here.
Summit Communities of Practice (CoP)
envision is excited to launch three CHW Sustainability Summit CoPs.
For more information about these click here.
Summit Poster Session
envision is inviting all CCR-2109 teams to present your work during a peer networking and poster session at the CHW Sustainability Summit.
To view poster guidelines, click here.
Sesión de presentación de pósteres para la cumbre
envision invita a todos los equipos de CCR-2109 a presentar sus trabajos durante una sesión de intercambio entre pares y de presentación de pósteres en la Cumbre de Sostenibilidad de CHW.
Si desea consultar las pautas para la presentación de pósteres, haga clic aquí
Didn’t find your answer? Contact the summit team directly.
Summit information Session
A Summit information session was held on both January 24th & 25th The sessions included guidance on selecting Summit attendees and introduction to the Communities of Practice leading up to the Summit. Details about the registration process were shared along with insights into what to anticipate during the Summit.
If you missed the session you can view the slides or watch recordings of the session on the envision YouTube channel using with these links: