chw sustainability summit
The entire envision team would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who attended, presented, and participated in the Summit and for taking part in making it the success it was.
And the work is not done! We are busy preparing the resources to post and share. You can find all currently available resources on the Summit Resources page here. More will follow shortly so check back here, look for notifications via email, and on myenvision.
About the Summit
envision, in partnership with the Washington State Evaluation Partnership (WSEP) and Arizona State University Office of Community Health Engagement and Resiliency (ASU), hosted an in-person Community Health Worker (CHW) Sustainability Summit in Spokane, WA, on April 16-18, 2024.
The Summit offered recipients of CDC’s Community Health Workers for COVID Response and Resilient Communities (CCR-2109) the opportunity to showcase their work and strategize together about how to continue CHW programs in the absence of CCR grant funding.
Who attended?
All CCR-2109 recipients were invited to send up to six (6) attendee team members committed to sustainability planning. At least half of the attendees (3 or more) were CHWs, whose perspective and leadership were essential to the process.
about the summit logo
The Summit logo design is based on a quilt to represent all of us uniting for CHW sustainability,
Quilts are made of many pieces and have long been used to tell stories through their patterns and designs.
The pieces in the logo symbolize the unique contributions, diverse voices, backgrounds, and experiences along with the shared histories, values, and aspirations we all bring.
These are all woven together to create a strong and interconnected community collectively working to sustain CHWs.