What Do Community Health Workers Do?
Roles and competency findings from the CHW Core Consensus (C3) Project and the community.
Tags: webpage, program implementation, roles and responsibilities, roles
Social Needs Screening Toolkit
Health Leads’ Social Needs Screening Toolkit combines 20+ years of experience implementing programs with well researched, clinically-validated guidelines from sector authorities like the Institute of Medicine, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.
Tags: toolkit, program implementation, roles and responsibilities
Neighbors Helping Neighbors - CCHA
The Center for Community Health Alignment received funding to conduct a case study project showing the impacts CHWs are having in rural communities and working with clinical teams to improve health in rural committees.
Tags: video, program implementation, roles and responsibilities, rural, integration
Hiring Practices that Support State Integration of CHWs
This ASTHO publication outlines hiring considerations such as assessing current and desired CHW engagement, recruitment strategies, establishing criteria, identifying candidates and other CHW hiring topics.
Tags: PDF, program implementation, recruitment, hiring
Evaluating a Community Health Worker Program
Toolkit section from the Center for Community Health Alignment (CCHA) outlining the basics of evaluation to guide CHW program leadership in the development of an effective plan.
Tags: toolkit, PDF, program implementation, evaluation
envision Webinar: CHW Onboarding
Envision’s April 2022 webinar covers finding and hiring qualified CHWs, best practices for job descriptions, and other team integration tips.
Tags: envision webinar, program implementation, recruitment, hiring, onboarding
envision Webinar: CHW Onboarding (slides)
Presentation slides from Envision’s April 2022 webinar about finding and hiring qualified CHWs, best practices for job descriptions, and other team integration tips.
Tags: slides, envision webinar resource, program implementation, recruitment, hiring, onboarding
NACHW Webinar: Self-Care Strategies for CHWs
Webinar on self-care and resilience hosted by Ashley Rodriguez (CCHW) (CCHWI), President of TAPCHW and the APHA CHW Section Chair. In this webinar, attendees will learn how to define stress, resilience, and self-care, along with learning self-care strategies and stress management tools.
Tags: webinar, program implementation, self-care
envision Webinar: CHW Documentation and Referral Systems
In this envision webinar, the Envision Equitable Healthy Communities - 2109 CHW Training and Technical Assistance Center and the Washington State Department of Health present on important considerations, social service resource locators and other general recommendations when choosing a method for CHW documentation and referral systems.
Tags: envision webinar, program implementation, training, documentation, referral
envision Webinar: CHW Documentation and Referral Systems (slides)
Presentation slides from the March 2022 envision Webinar: “CHW Documentation and Referral Systems.”
Tags: slides, program implementation, training, documentation, referral, envision webinar resources
Promoting CHW Leadership
ASTHO Connects presentation featuring perspectives and resources from the Center for Community Health Alignment (CCHA) and the Maryland Department of Health.
Tags: PDF, webinar slides, program implementation, recruitment, hiring
Statewide Training Approaches for CHWs
This document provides an example of using NACHW’s CHW Document Resource Center to investigate the topic of setting standards for statewide core training for community health workers. Case examples from six states illustrate different approaches to statewide training standards for the workforce and related infrastructure.
Tags: PDF, program implementation, training, case studies
Community Health Worker Common Indicators Project (CIP)
Learn more about the CHW Common Indicators Project, which aims to contribute to the integrity, sustainability, and viability of CHW programs through the collaborative development of common process and outcome constructs and indicators.
Tags: PDF, program implementation, policy brief, roles, CHW roles and responsibilities
Respect, Protect, and Partner with CHWs to Ensure Equity - NACHW
National Association of Community Health Workers policy guidance and resource recommendations to advance CHW leadership and integration during the pandemic and beyond.
Tags: PDF, program implementation, equity, COVID-19
CHWs: Evidence of Their Effectiveness
From ASTHO and NACHW, a summary of studies demonstrating CHW effectiveness across settings and health issues. This range of examples allows CHW champions to demonstrate existing research or highlight evidence that resonates with their audience.
Tags: PDF, program implementation, roles and responsibilities, evidence
C3 CHW Assessment Toolkit
The Community Health Worker Core Consensus Project (C3 project) team offers a framework for assessing skills proficiency and fostering professional development for CHWs.
Tags: toolkit, program implementation, assessment
What Motivates CHWs? Program Design to Incentivize Performance and Retention
A chapter from the CHW Reference Guide produced under the Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program, the U.S. Agency for International Development Bureau for Global Health’s flagship maternal, neonatal and child health project.
Tags: blog, program implementation, recruitment, hiring
Roles and Competencies Chapter - 1998 National Community Health Advisor Study
Chapter three in the National Community Health Advisor Study’s final report, which examines core roles within communities and the health care system, as well as core competencies for effectiveness.
Tags: PDF, program implementation, CHW roles and responsibilities, roles
CHW Code of Ethics Toolkit
American Association of Community Health Workers (AACHW) toolkit designed to help organizations develop and adopt a code of ethics specific to their area, or adopt the national code of ethics.
Tags: toolkit, program implementation, roles and responsibilities, ethics