NNPHI Public Health Learning Navigator
Advance your expertise with high-quality, engaging public health learning opportunities.
Tags: website, program implementation, resource library
Community Health Worker Resource Hub
On this site you can explore a library of resources from 27 CHW projects across NYU Langone, representing a wide range of populations, topics, and settings.
Tags: webpage, program implementation, resource library
California CHW/P/R Employer Survey
Results of a statewide assessment conducted by Health Net, in partnership with HealthBegins, to increase understanding of and improve planning around the Community Health Worker, Promotora, and Community Health Representative (CHW/P/R) workforce in California.
Tags: PDF, program implementation, roles and responsibilities, CHW description
Occupational Outlook Handbook: CHWs
The community health workers (CHW) profile is updated in the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook.
Tags: webpage, program implementation, roles and responsibilities, CHW description
What Community Health Workers Do
Online resource from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics outlining the roles of CHWs in health care and communities.
Tags: website, program implementation, roles and responsibilities, CHW description
NACHW Webinar: Lessons Learned and Tools for Adult Vaccination
In this National Association of Community Health Workers webinar, CHW leaders share what they learned about adult vaccination, best practices, and share some tools for increasing adult vaccination.
Tags: webinar, video, program implementation, vaccination, best practices
Home Visiting Safety: Staying Safe & Aware on the Job
Video created by the Oregon Health Authority, Oregon Public Health Division, Maternal and Child Health Section to provide guidance for public health home visitors, with many tips and topics that apply to other fields as well.
Tags: video, program implementation, roles, responsibilities, safety
CHW Training Manual: Home Visitation
A brief guide to home visitations developed by the Rush Center for Urban Health Equity to help CHW trainees understand the importance of home visitation, learn how to safety and effectively conduct a home visit, and outline strategies for building trust.
Tags: toolkit, program implementation, roles and responsibilities, safety
CHW Model Best Practice Toolkits
Center for Community Health Alignment (CCHA), in collaboration with CHW subject matter experts and CHWs, developed best practice toolkits to support designing programs, working effectively with CHWs, understanding screening, and responding to social determinants of health.
Tags: toolkit, program implementation, roles and responsibilities, best practices
C3 CHW Roles and Skills Checklist
Checklists to assess how CHW role and competencies linked to CHW trainings, practice, and/or policies align with the Community Health Worker Core Consensus (C3) Project.
Tags: PDF, CHW roles and responsibilities, program implementation
Community Health Worker Resources (CDC)
Materials on this webpage are collected from programs across CDC that host materials pertinent to CHWs. These resources should be helpful to both CHWs and those who work with them.
Tags: website, CHW roles and responsibilities, CHR, program implementation, promotores
Community Health Workers Tools & Resources
CHWs in Region V have specific challenges and support needs compared to other public health and clinical workers. This growing toolkit from the Region V Public Health Training Center provides training, community, and other support resources.
Tags: webpage, program implementation, CHW roles and responsibilities
envision Webinar: CHW Integration into Health Systems (slides)
Presentation slides from the February 2023 envision webinar “CHW Integration into Health Systems,” featuring presentations by staff from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
Tags: slides, envision webinar resource, program implementation, CHW integration
envision Webinar: CHW Integration into Health Systems
Envision’s February webinar webinar provides insights from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health on their work supporting a community health center to integrate CHWs into their facility. Kansas Department of Health and Environment also shares their promotional video and materials used to communicate with health system partners.
Tags: envision Webinar, program implementation, CHW integration
Autocuidado envision Para CHWs
A booklet of resources and activities compiled by the envision team to help CHWs restore themselves mentally, physically and emotionally. This resource also serves as a tool to continue the conversation from the December 2022 envision webinar: “Promoting CHW Self-Care.”
Tags: PDF, program implementation, self-care, Spanish
envision Self-Care Booklet for Supervisors
A booklet of resources and activities compiled by the envision team to help supervisors restore themselves mentally, physically and emotionally. This resource also serves as a tool to continue the conversation from the December 2022 envision webinar: “Promoting CHW Self-Care.”
Tags: PDF, program implementation, self-care
Autocuidado envision Para Supervisores
A booklet of resources and activities compiled by the envision team to help supervisors restore themselves mentally, physically and emotionally. This resource also serves as a tool to continue the conversation from the December 2022 envision webinar: “Promoting CHW Self-Care.”
Tags: PDF, program implementation, self-care, Spanish
envision Self-Care Booklet for CHWs
A booklet of resources and activities compiled by the envision team to help CHWs restore themselves mentally, physically and emotionally. This resource also serves as a tool to continue the conversation from the December 2022 envision webinar: “Promoting CHW Self-Care.”
Tags: PDF, program implementation, self-care
envision Webinar: Promoting CHW Self-Care
This envision webinar provides hands-on tools for CHWs to practice self-care and self-compassion while giving programs tools to elevate the visibility of this crucial component of the work.
Tags: envision webinar, program implementation, self-care
CHW Pay Equity - NACHW
Infographic highlighting responses NACHW’s national survey from 867 CHWs from 859 unique zip codes. The graphics explore CHW employment status, compensation when working overtime, and perceptions on whether pay is equitable and provides a living wage.
Tags: PDF, program implementation, self-care