CHW Model Best Practice Toolkits
Center for Community Health Alignment (CCHA), in collaboration with CHW subject matter experts and CHWs, developed best practice toolkits to support designing programs, working effectively with CHWs, understanding screening, and responding to social determinants of health.
Tags: toolkit, program implementation, roles and responsibilities, best practices
CHWs: A Vital Workforce in Need of Systemic Support
Article highlighting the increasing importance of CHWs in the creation of a stronger public health system for all in the U.S, outlining the ABCs of CHWs, and sharing additional resources.
Tags: article, sustainability, partnerships, systemic support, health equity, workforce development
Health Equity in Action (CDC)
Snapshots of CDC work and external CDC-funded projects that center around engaging and mobilizing partners with culturally appropriate strategies to reduce health disparities and advance health equity.
Tags: website, community level change, health equity
Toolkits for Communicating with Non-Experts
Public Health Reaching Across Sectors (PHRASES) toolkits for public health professionals to motivate the public and other sectors to support public health. Tools include sample messaging, practical tools, and other strategies.
Tags: toolkit, advocacy, collaboration, storytelling
CHW Resource for Addressing Disparities in Cardiovascular Care
This online course from the American Lung Association supports CHWs providing disease-related care to patients with or at risk of cardiovascular disease.
Tags: training, chronic health conditions, cardiovascular
NACDD Success Story Database
This resource curated by the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors assists with educating policymakers and peers on evidence-based and innovative programs they have implemented to reduce the burden of chronic disease in their communities.
Tags: website, advocacy, storytelling, envision webinar resource
Tailoring Messages for Cross-Cultural Communication
ASTHO brief outlining the four elements of cross-cultural communication, as well as key principles for inclusive communication. Case investigators and contact tracers should check with their agency for additional resources.
Tags: brief, PDF, COVID-19, messaging
C3 CHW Roles and Skills Checklist
Checklists to assess how CHW role and competencies linked to CHW trainings, practice, and/or policies align with the Community Health Worker Core Consensus (C3) Project.
Tags: PDF, CHW roles and responsibilities, program implementation
1:1 Conversations Goals and Reflections
This worksheet created by the UW Mobilizing Action Toward Community Health (MATCH) Group, outlines goals, reflections, and tips to consider when preparing for 1:1 meetings. The resource also includes space to plan meeting-specific goals and questions.
Tags: PDF, community building, partnerships
Community Health Worker Resources (CDC)
Materials on this webpage are collected from programs across CDC that host materials pertinent to CHWs. These resources should be helpful to both CHWs and those who work with them.
Tags: website, CHW roles and responsibilities, CHR, program implementation, promotores
Partnering with Residents
County Health Rankings & Roadmaps shares guidance, tools, and activities to increase understanding of ways partnering with residents benefits the community and your work.
Tags: website, community building, partnerships
Patient Navigator & Community Health Worker Training
The Patient Navigation and Community Health Worker Training program (PNCT) offers a full curriculum for patient navigators, care coordinators and community health workers.
Tags: specialized training, care coordination, chronic health conditions
Transitions Clinic Network
TCN is a national organization committed to reversing the harms of mass incarceration by eliminating racial health and economic disparities. They work to transform health systems to better meet the needs of impacted communities, including hiring and training formerly incarcerated individuals to work as CHWs embedded into primary care teams to engage patients returning from incarceration.
Tags: website, population specific
CHW Asthma Training - American Lung Association
The American Lung Association (ALA) is not currently offering virtual trainings for CHWs; however, organizations can contact ALA ( to arrange an in-person training for CHWs in their area. An Asthma Basics online course is also currently offered.
Tags: specialized trainings, chronic health conditions, asthma
Bridging the Gap: How CHWs Promote the Health of Immigrants
Immigrants in the U.S. face a range of challenges with respect to access to quality health care. This book provides evidence and recommendations for engaging CHWs to serve immigrant populations and connect them to necessary care and treatment resources.
Tags: website, book, immigration, population specific
Virtual Leader Trainings for Chronic Conditions Self-Management
Self-Management Resource Center (SMRC) developed virtual Leader and Master Trainings in response to needs that emerged during the pandemic.
Tags: specialized training, chronic health conditions, self-management
Asthma Education for the Community Health Worker
The Association of Asthma Educators (AAE) developed this program to prepare entry-level community health workers (CHW) to effectively provide basic asthma management education.
Tags: specialized training, asthma, chronic health conditions
Diabetes Community Care Coordinator Certificate Program
This Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES) program is designed for CHWs and others with a defined role in a certified or recognized diabetes education or prevention program.
Tags: specialized training, chronic health conditions, diabetes.
Creating Accessible Documents (slides)
Training presented by the Bureau of Aging and Disability Resources within the Wisconsin Department of Health Services outlining design and formatting considerations to improve user accessibility.
Tags: slides, training, accessibility, health equity
Advancing CHW Engagement in COVID-19 Response
A playbook for local health department strategies in the United States from the National Community-Based Workforce Alliance.
Tags: PDF, COVID-19, response strategies