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National Rural Health Day

National Rural Health Day

Did you know that Thursday, November 16th is National Rural Health Day (NRHD)?

Each year the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) and rural-focused organizations throughout the United States set aside the third Thursday of November to recognize NRHD. This annual event is an opportunity to celebrate the “Power of Rural” and honor the individuals and organizations, including CHWs, who are dedicated to addressing the unique healthcare needs of nearly 61 million people living in rural America.

For recipients working in rural communities, we encourage you to consider this opportunity to spotlight the great work of your organization, and to support National Rural Health Day using the hashtags #PowerofRural and #NationalRuralHealthDay.

To learn more, visit and download the National Rural Health Day partner toolkit. This toolkit includes a redesigned NRHD logo and promotional materials, including social media cover photos, templates for posts, and activity sheets. These free downloadable tools are designed for rural communities, hospitals, clinics, first responders, public health, non-profits, civic organizations, and others who serve and support the health needs of rural communities. 

To learn more and register click here

November 13

CoT Abstract Presentation at APHA Conference

November 17

NACHW Learning Collaborative