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Sustaining and Training CHW Work in Addressing Chronic Disease as Underlying Risk Factors

COVID-19 exacerbated chronic health conditions, which led to severe increased health risks and a decline in preventive care. Community Health Workers are recognized for their skills to address health and the COVID-19 pandemic. In this webinar we are exploring preventive training and programs available for CHWs to address underlying health conditions in their community for the Centers for Diseases and Prevention Control.

This webinar is open to all. We especially encourage CCR-2109 recipients (CHWs, CHW allies, CHW program staff, etc.) and their partners to attend. Spanish interpretation services will be provided in real-time and a recording of the webinar will be made available after the session for those unable to attend the live webinar.

Spanish interpretation services will be provided in real-time and a recording of the webinar will be made available after the session for those unable to attend the live webinar.

February 21

National Council on Aging  (NCOA) webinar

February 23

Office Hours