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Evaluation Webinar

Intended Audience: This webinar is for those interested in capacity building for evaluation at the beginner/intermediate level. It is open to all CCR-2109 recipients (CHWs, CHW allies, CHW program staff, etc.) and their partners. Members of evaluation teams are especially encouraged to attend.

Description: On behalf of the CCR-ETA 2110 Evaluation Training and Technical Assistance providers, the Washington State Evaluation Partnership (WSEP) invites CCR-2109 recipients and their partners to a webinar about cost effectiveness analysis. This webinar provides an overview of what a cost effectiveness analysis is and its purpose. It will also explore how to bridge existing efforts and data to tell a similar story of impact. In this webinar, we will: - Understand what cost-effectiveness analysis is and some of its forms - Examine benefits and limitations of such analyses on demonstrating impact - Explore examples of cost-effectiveness research that examine the impacts of CHW initiatives on COVID-19 response - Identify alternatives to cost-effectiveness research that a 2109 site can use in sustainability discussions - Engage in a reflective and/or applied practice to examine individual CCR evaluation efforts and support attendees to take away at least one concrete action to integrate into their CCR evaluation activities 

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December 7

Community of Practice - For Spanish Speakers

December 14

Medicare: CHW Financial Sustainability Strategy