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Evaluation Webinar

Intended Audience: This webinar is open to all CCR-2109 recipients (CHWs, program staff, etc.). Those evaluating CCR programs and those interested in the CCR special studies are especially encouraged to attend.

Description: As part of the CCR national evaluation, CDC and the CCR-Evaluation and Technical Assistance (ETA) partners, Arizona State University (ASU) and the Washington State Evaluation Partnership (WSEP), are conducting five special evaluation studies to assess CCR program effectiveness. In this webinar, CDC and the CCR-ETA partners will:

  • Provide an update on the first two special studies: 1) Effectiveness of CHW referrals to health and social services and 2) CHW Integration into organizations and care teams.

  • Share the scope, proposed evaluation questions, and proposed methods for the next 3 special studies:

Study 3 - CCR CHWs role in COVID-19 response

Study 4 - CCR CHW Programs Sustainability

Study 5 - CCR and Community Resilience

  • Share preliminary inclusion criteria for studies 3,4 &5.

How to Join: No pre-registration is needed. Join the webinar on August 9th using or the information below.


  • Zoom Meeting ID: 161 9708 7758

  • Passcode: %Cgcg99+


August 8

CoT- Cohort1 - Workshop3 - (Day 1)

August 15

CoT- Cohort1 - Workshop3 - (Day 2)