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Evaluation Webinar

Leading With Community Voice: Strengthening Evaluation through Mixed Methods Approaches, Cultural Relevance, and Grassroots Efforts with You

On behalf of the CCR-ETA 2110 Evaluation Training and Technical Assistance providers, the Washington State Evaluation Partnership (WSEP) invites CCR-2109 recipients and their partners to a webinar about embedding community voice and cultural relevance in every step of evaluation. We will examine the grassroots multimedia campaign #KEEPITRIGHT, a youth-led COVID-19 prevention effort that has reached over 250,000 people with a click-through rate four times the national average. This webinar will build on the earlier training about equitable evaluation, community engagement, and health literacy efforts that include populations that have been historically marginalized.

click for more information and to register

June 6

Community of Practice - Next Top

June 15

Community of Practice - For Spanish Speakers