Grant Writing Basics

Organization: Kansas University

Join our grant writing experts for an introductory online training. The workshop includes budget training, participant discussions, files of data sources and grant sources.

Microcredential: Students who complete a logic model, grant budget and budget narrative will receive a microcredential. Instructors have experience providing this training for CHWs and the context CHWs work in.

Enrollment is limited for each class, but we want to meet all needs; if the class is filled, please register on the waiting list. This Grant Writing Basics course consists of two (3-hour) online live sessions with many additional resources. Time for interaction with other participants is an important aspect of the class; even experienced grant writers pick up tips and are reenergized after consulting with peers. The course is suited for people who have never written a grant (50% of our audience), as well as those who have a lot of experience and want to take a fresh look at their current practices. This online course is adapted from a highly rated face-to-face training with proven results. Classes are recorded for later reference or classes missed. You will learn: Sources of data for community needs Where to find grants Elements of a great grant proposal Practicing the grant elements: Problem, Outcome, Activity, Evaluation, Budget

Virtual: Two (3-hour) online live sessions

Cost: $60 per person

Registration: Online using this link

Contact: Nancy Daniels


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