New to Public Health Residency Program (N2PH)
Organization: UW Madison School of Nursing
N2PH is a residency program for folks working in their first year in public health. The program is designed for those working in governmental public health, however, those working outside of that sphere are still eligible to participate. This is a year long cohort system in which participants complete four modules on the framework of public health. Participants will be paired with mentors in the public health field. There is also a community of practice component in which residents participate in synchronous discussions with their cohort connected to their learnings. Recently, N2PH has begun working with CHW representatives to bolster the curriculum to be more representative of participants who are not working with patients clinically. CHWs who participate in the program will be exposed to public health workers from various sectors across the field, and boost their ability to integrate into a variety of workplace settings including clinical.
Registration: Apply using this link
Contact: New to Public Health website